Monday 29 May 2017

Ukrainians LOVE to talk

Hello everyone!! 
I hope everyone had an awesome couple of weeks! Forgive me for not saying much last week, hopefully I'll do better this time:) I also hope everyone has had an awesome May! I can't believe it's already the end of May. Where does the time go? 

This week was good... Not a lot has happened in the last couple of weeks but some highlights are:

 I sang on a outdoor stage..! haha so we were planning on going to this concert of this famous Ukrainian band named Dzidio with some friends, hoping we could give some English practice cards out and meet some people but turns out we were wrong about the time and we were two hours early! haha. But we checked the theater which was partly outside, and Sister Savran told me to go up on the stage and sing and I said maybe if I was allowed. Well they said sure, so I was pushed up there and I sang a couple of songs and it was pretty fun. The sound people were really nice and we gave them some English cards and we also met couple other people who heard me and we invited them to English too sooo it wasn't for nothing aha. 


Also as a follow up from my email a couple weeks ago that I had a lot hope for.. unfortunately Anton already dropped us (said he didn't want to anymore) even though we never even got to teach him a lesson :(

But in good news we met with Marina again and taught her part of the Plan of Salvation and Sister Savran felt prompted to talk about our life after this life( even though we hadn't really got to that part yet) and how Heavenly Father gives the opportunity for everyone to hear the gospel and she started crying talking about her grandpa who passed away. I love sharing this Plan of Happiness with others, I wish everyone knew that they could see their loved ones again and be eternal families through God's perfect plan for us. It was great to see Marina feel the spirit and she prayed with us after to know if the Book of Mormon is true so hopefully she'll keep reading and get her answer soon.

Our investigator Ilona

One small miracle but I think it still is a miracle, is that we finally got our potential investigator Ganadi from English class to meet with us for a lesson! The reason it's a miracle is because he can talk  soo much and for ever if you let him and so usually we can't get a word in every time we've tried before or he somehow didn't answer our questions but we really made sure he understood our question this time and made sure he gave us a straight answer and he said he would see when is a good time!

Guys. Ukrainians can talk! ahah. They love to talk and they go on for a long time and really fast, I don't know how they do it. Ok maybe not EVERY Ukrainian  :)  Usually Babushkas really, which we meet quite a lot with. And man, it's pretty amazing to see. If you ever want to talk for hours with someone in Russian, come to Ukraine:)

A babuska who I thought was so cute! She's 94

The most awesome thing I've noticed this week was the peace you can receive through the gospel of Jesus can find true, genuine and continual peace and joy. And I know that because I've felt it. Through faith in Him and repentance I have received a peace that you can't get anywhere else and that doesn't compare to anything else. It's amazing and I'm so grateful for it. 

I hope you all have an amazing week full of sunshine! ( Hopefully we're going to go tan today:))
Oh and fluff! K, is there as much fluff in the air in Calgary as here?? Cause some days it looked like it was snowing! it's crazy. And it gets in your eyes and it's annoying haha but funny I'm sure if you saw us walking down the street with our sweaters over our faces so we can breathe haha

my favorite flowers

Love ya

-Cectpa Horne

A member who visited from Zaparozjha

Yulia - member we're friends with:)

Guess who I found? lol! (mentalist is the best!)

shopping on pday

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