Monday 15 May 2017

Happy Mother's day!!

HEY all you amazing mothers, grandmothers, great-grand mothers, future mothers and women out there! I hope you had an AMAZING day yesterday!! You're all awesome and I send hugs and kisses your way all the way from Ukraine:)
I did! I got to Video chat with my FAM!! Miss your faces already! Everyone is always shocked when we tell them we can only skype our families twice a year and it definitely is hard, it will be a while til next Christmas.. but serving the Lord in the mean while and the awesome time we do get with them makes it all worth it!

This week was really great! I've seen quite a few miracles! And hopefully these ones will actually be on going ones! ( since I feel like almost every little miracle I write home about, I don't end up having a continuing story to.. )

But last P-day was fun, we celebrated the birthday of one of our friends from English (and was one of our potential investigators) with a friend she brought ( who is now also our friend and one of our potential investigators) and also our member friend Yulia. And then that night we were on our way to a less active members house to see if we could meet with them because her phone doesn't really work and on the way I smiled at a man passing by and Sister Savran said hello and so he turned around and asked do I know you? She was like "maybe." haha. We told him who we were and talked with him for a little while about why we're here and he asked what we think about families. We gave him a family:Proclamation the world and Jesus the Christ pamphlet and a card with on it. And he said he would probably be interested in coming to church on Sunday.  Then yesterday: He came to church! Came in after the passing of sacrament and then also stayed for second hour and went the end of Sunday school after talking to some members for awhile. He said he had already read the intro of the Book of Mormon online and he said he would be interested in meeting this week and have lessons! He's awesome and guess his name.. Anton! Another golden Tony coming our way? I think yes! :) 

Sacrament meeting was also really good yesterday because it was fast and testimony meeting and I was sitting beside our friend Angelina who's 16 and is awesome and bore a great testimony (that I actually understood pretty much everything of!) told me that I should go up, ahah man and then I really felt like I needed to, so I did! :) I think maybe the spirit knew that I would feel more pressure to go up, if it came from her nudge and she must have been listening to that prompting.

Also as I said before that Marina "used to be" our potential investigator, it's because she's now our new investigator! We hung out on Saturday and we asked if we could tell her about what we believe and we taught her the first lesson and it went pretty well and she said she would read the Book of Mormon and that we could meet up again and talk more. :) 

We also met a man on the marshootka yesterday who spoke English so I asked him where he's from, he's from Syria and his name is Mohammed and he was super nice and then asked us if we could meet some time and talk about religion because he said he has a lot of questions and no one has been able to answer them! We were like uh Yeah! We'd love to! Super cool. 

Sooo hopefully next week I will have more updates on all those new people! Life is good when you're sharing  and living the gospel guys. its true:)


Cectpa Horne

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