Monday 23 January 2017

We bought a zoo

Добрый день!

Time is going by way fast! I can't believe I've only got two more weeks of this transfer left! It's definitely been an interesting week! We had my first zone conference, which was really good! We learned more creative ways to find people and we studied Lehi's vision from the Book of Mormon. I learned that EVERYONE was enveloped in the darkness-- no matter who we are we will all have temptations and trials-- but only those who were CLINGING to the rod of iron - which is the word of God- were those who made it to the tree of life ( which is interpreted to be the love of God, or pure joy). Guys! the Book of Mormon is so amazing and reading the word of God everyday is the thing that will keep us on the narrow path that leads to true joy.

On Thursday we had exchanges;  which is where the Sister training leaders switch with companionship for 24 hours and so sister Tayco left and Sister Harris came. That day though, we got to do service for this awesome lady we know who always needs a lot of help on her farm. So I got to put some water in the horse and bulls pens. Sweep the barn and shovel manure, fun! Haha! it really was though. I love doing service. Especially when there are animals involved aha. This is the place where we petted the horses before, she has a stallion and a bunch of other horses. She also had a super puffed up cat so I picked her up and yelled "It's so FLUFFY!" Hahah. I have been very fortunate to be in an area where so many people have pets and farms with tons of different animals and I try my best to meet and pet as many as I can! Lol. Dogs, cats, bulls, horses, zebras, goats, camels... What? Zebras and camels? Hahah yup that's right! 

Another day we also got to meet some cool wild animals at a lady's house where she adopts and rescues these cool animals. She got a zebra just cause she wanted to but she also took in a donkey, a camel named Cairo, fainting goats and buffalo!  It was so cool! I got to feed the camel ( anyone who follows me on Instagram.. this would be my 4th;) ) I'll send the pictures of that next week:)

We got some sad news this week though. Sister Novotny will be leaving us tomorrow for an emergency transfer to Ogden. A sister there is going home with a medical release and so Sister Novotny will be replacing her and will stay there until the end of her mission ( march)! We have become really good friends already and I'm going to miss her a lot! 😢 Also I don't exactly know how we're going to survive without her... cause you see, now it will only be just the two of us, Sister Tayco and I, here in the Morgan County area. Sister Tayco only having been out here for 10 weeks or so and me 4, still having no clue what I'm doing some of the time to be honest.. hahah but it is what it is and I know that we can do it because we will have help all along the way from our Heavenly Father and nothing is impossible with Him on our side. I have hope. " I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. And I have definitely already been strengthened this week to the ability to not stress about this too much and be positive, I haven't had a breakdown yet!👍 But stay tuned for next week;) and definitely still keep us in your prayers!! :)

Tony is still doing great! We saw him a few times this week but not as many as last week because of exchanges and I'm sure he wanted a little break from us anyway lol but we did have a really sweet experience where one of the elders who teach with me, elder McGurt ( he's hilarious and sometimes talks pretty fast and with more complicated words) gave Tony a priesthood blessing because he was feeling kind of sick and it was a really nice blessing and elder McGurt actually spoke way slower and so I think Tony actually understood it.

God loves you!! I love you! I love the Lord and I love doing His work!  Have an awesome week!

До свидания

Сестра Horne

1. Zone conference - and I picked the funny one because I look bad in the other one

7. A giant icicle I broke off when we were knocking on doors one cold night 

8. There are huge piles of snow on the side of the road so we got on/in one!  Bye sis novotny:(

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