Monday 17 April 2017

иисус воскрес! Happy Easter!!

This week I will mostly just send and explain pictures. But I hope everyone had an awesome Easter weekend! It's been pretty cool being in Ukraine during Easter. Not much actually happened because everyone was celebrating on their own with their families, maybe out in their datchas ( summer homes) so yesterday the streets were almost completely deserted. But we did have  special Easter Ukrainian bread and some dyed eggs! All from sweet members and a sweet landlord. 

The really awesome tradition they have here is  that on Easter  everyone says "Eesoos vaskres!" - which means " Jesus is resurrected! "and then you say back " Ba eesteena vaskres!" which just means like, it's true! I love that. So many people are talking about Jesus, so it has a been a little easier for us to talk about him with others. I gave a Easter (awesome Easter video)  card with a nice picture of Christ on it,  to a few people and just saying cpraznikum (kind of happy Easter) and they took it! 

Easter Feast
Yum! and lol yup that's a dried whole fish and they just peel off the scales and eat it.

I had a another cool experience on a marshootka where a man smiled at me so I smiled back and he was looking at us and I flashed the Book of Mormon his way a bit ( which I actually took with me that day)  and he asked if we were "mormons" and he told me something like" I know this book is right and good" ! We'll hopefully meet with him this week. So crazy and cool. haha I had to ask him to repeat what he said because I didn't think I heard him right the first time. 

Spring here is so beautiful! So many blossoming cherry trees and they smell so good!

 My new friend Mike Wasowski! He's the one-eyed homeless cat who lives outside our apartment.

While we were "English contacting" with our district this week one time ( Basically just giving out cards for our English practice), my district leader comes over with these two guys saying they speak french! Oh Man. That was probably the most confusing thing that has ever happened to me. Hahahah I didn't know what language I was speaking the whole time because Russian would come out of no where all the time and I unfortunately forgot quite a few words in french, and they didn't know English so I basically could not communicate but some how we sort of did. They were from Morocco and super cool and nice and patient with my lack of being able to speak ahah.

I am so grateful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because He loves me SO MUCH. His sacrifice is THE biggest act of love that has ever been made and it is for ALL of us! And because He lives, we can live again too! 


Cectpa Horne

last week pics :  Birthday fun


Escape rooms !  There are lots here and they're cheap :)

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