Monday 9 April 2018

Xристос воскрес! B-day, conference and Easter

Hey hey! 

So yesterday was again the day when everyone in Ukraine greets each other with " Xристос воскрес! " (Christ is risen ) and then you respond back " воистину воскрес! " (In truth He is risen) LOVE it. Everyone at church yesterday was so happy it was awesome, we got to watch 3 sessions of conference (sat morning, and both Sundays) and they were so so good! I loved how there were a few really powerful talks talking about the Holy Ghost and receiving personal revelation and how important that is, President Nelson especially emphasizing that. I also love how much was said about Easter and the Savior, really helps you remember the true meaning of Easter and also who the foundation stone and true leader of this church is. I don't think there is ever a talk that doesn't mention Christ at least a little bit if not entirely focussing on Him and how to be more like Him and follow Him. 

For Easter we also ate lots of "paski" which are the special Easter cakes they make here, and they were all gifts to us, which was nice cause then we didn't even have to buy food ahaha like Saturday we went up to Kharkov for yes this time the real thing the Easter concert I sang in, and we basically lived on paski that day aha. But ya that went really well, sounded great, they had  slides going on in the background about Christ while we had a string quartet and our little missionary choir and I sang a duet and a solo. The spirit was super strong and I think the people who came really noticed it. 

Now going back to Monday and Tuesday I had a super awesome birthday!! Seriously best day. And a fun p-day before too. We went bowling and then I miraculously found this little exhibition with BUNNIES! We just went around and petted them and held some, and there was a raccoon and a parrot there too! made my day:) 

Then my real b-day: early in the morning I was surprised by flowers from my past comp Sister Busath! So nice of her and sneaky on sister Woolley's ahah then Sis. Woolley made me a nice breakfast and blew up balloons, she seriously spoiled me so much but that's not even all why she gave me a present her mom sent her : a flippin Polaroid Camera!!! Lets just say.. I did well raising this one;) Seriously everyone was too nice and I got spoiled! It was great. Also we had a great lesson with Natasha and then we gave out the balloons we had with books of Mormon and it was really successful (almost wanting to pretend it's my b-day other days ahah ) We went out for a super nice dinner then had English practice that night and she surprised me again with cake:) Mission birthdays are awesome. And.. now I'm 21 ..weird.

lol I hope y'all know that I was kidding last week and I truly am super grateful for everyone and all your nice notes and emails every time I get them:) So thanks again!

Love ya

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