Friday 16 December 2016

Guess who came to the Devo?!?!

Добрый день

Pretty good week! I'm still loving my life here but it is sooooo weird that we are starting our 8 week at the MTC!! 10 more days until CHRISTMAS! And 12 more days until UKRAINE!! Like whaaat?? The next time I email  will be my last time emailing from the MTC! what the heck. aha. ok I'll stop freaking out. I'm terrified but also really excited ! It will probably feel more real once we get our flight plans though. 

I feel like I've learned a lot more this week! I think my Russian is improving!( but also not ready for Ukraine AH lol)  I can now mostly teach lessons without having much of a script, I still need to prepare though because if I don't, it can be pretty bad. But I'm also pretty sure our investigators are just being nice because my grammar is so bad ahah. They understand the jist of it though! lol. продолжать, продолжать!

I also strengthened my testimony a lot. We all had an incredible experience this Tuesday evening when Elder Jeffery R. Holland came!!!!!!!! Sooo sweet! He's definitely one of my favorite speakers. He's one of the twelve apostles that is known for his bold and straight forward words. And he was definitely no less of his usual awesome self when he was here speaking to all of us. I love it!! He's also really funny aha. He actually even went over time because he had so many awesome things to say. He spent the whole beginning telling us how much he and the rest of the quorum of the twelve apostles and the first presidency love, honor and are proud of us. awe:) Then talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon in our lives and in the church and how it truly is the keystone of our religion. If it's true then this is Christ's church on the earth today. And visa-versa. It's that simple! but you can only know through study and prayer and through the Holy Ghost. Simple but so important to remember. And it was cool cause he taught the rest of his talk using the Book of Mormon,  about how we can be better missionaries. One thing he said I really liked though was how a mission and life itself will be hard but.. how can we expect it to be easy when it was never easy for Him (Christ). So true.

Something really special I felt even before the devotional that day though was during our choir practice. We sang a beautiful and powerful version of " I know my Redeemer lives" and there's this part where we sang loudly " He lives. He lives. Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives." and I felt the spirit so strong at that moment that I could hardly even sing it. The spirit has always spoken to me  probably most often through music and I know that He was testifying to me the truth of the statement. I already had faith that this was true but now I can say with a sure knowledge that I KNOW my Redeemer lives. He lives.

Speaking of singing though, sister Leuzinger and I auditioned for " oh Holy night" with sister Newman on the piano for the Christmas devotional. We actually got in!! We weren't really expecting that tbh ahaha and now I'm regretting it just a bit because now we have to sing it front of hundreds of missionaries!! ah! But it's also pretty cool:) Except they changed the song we're going o sing because they needed a solo for " oh Holy night" and so we're singing "Mary's lullaby" but so ya! That's Christmas eve that we'll do that. Oh and also it was cool this Sunday we got to listen to the BYU men's choir and they were really good! And it was funny cause some of them got so into it!

Something fun we did this week in one of our classes our teacher took us to a different floor and because we were learning "motion verbs" we played a game of "Sergei Says" ahahah it was so fun! And apparently I'm really bad at this game cause I messed up a few times but it's ok I'm pretty used to being laughed at hahahahah. It's true but don't worry I'm fine with it. My favorite part though was when "Sergei" said to go around the floor and when we started walking, I , in the back, started yelling " BIEG, BIEG, BIEG, BIEG" which means race and literally every time I made everyone, including my teacher, start running. ahah it was so fun! had to be there :)

alright, увидимся!

-сестра Хорн


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